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Madrid, Hostel Evoke 7 May 2024


After 24 hours of travelling we finally made it to T4 at the Madrid airport. Most airports are relatively simple with T4 being the exception. On arrival after a kilometre walk you eventually arrive at immigration for passport stamping. From there you get to take a lift into a forgotten basement and catch an overcrowded train to the other side of the airport and baggage collection. Not much fun at all for tired travellers and ideal conditions for the distribution of the Covid infection.

On retrieval of our luggage we were able to deposit Kates excess bag at left luggage and catch a bus to Atocha train station followed by a short walk to our Hostel.

The remainder of the day was spent visiting Plaza Mayor, Sol, obtaining a Spanish phone SIMM, having a G&T in John’s favourite bar and an evening meal of Tapas.


3 Kommentare

08. Mai 2024

Looking forward to the daily update - have fun

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Veronique Helmridge-Marsillian
Veronique Helmridge-Marsillian
08. Mai 2024

Hello Kate—and John, of course—following your adventure.

Glad no door-plug flew off your aeroplane. You both are off to a good start, I will enjoy your travails from the comfort of my armchair. Veronique. 🌼

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07. Mai 2024

Glad you’ve got there with all your luggage enjoy!

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